As you relate the story about your beloved Grandpa Harry, who taught who magic, you exhibit a deck of cards. Explaining how Harry`s memory was starting to go, you show how Harry, as a memory aid, wrote the names of his children and grandchildren on the backs of the cards.
Coincidentally he had 52 kids and grandchildren. The deck is riffle shuffled several times, and the spectator cuts the deck to select a card (ex. Two of Diamonds). You now have the spectator name ANY male name (after you tell them that your family was very regular and you had no boys named Elvis, Lance, or Broderick). Say they name Pete. You turn the deck face down and deal cards onto the table one at a time. Every card has a different name written on it, and when you come to the Pete card it is placed aside.
The spectator turns the Pete card face up and it`s the Two of Diamonds! NO rough and smooth. Entirely self-working and foolproof. Fools finger flickers yet easy enough for beginners to perform. Everyone loves Grandpa, how about you?